Download of the Day: Ayakashi
Ayakashi also known as Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror, is an 11-episode anime series produced by Toei Animation. The series is a collection of three classic Japanese horror stories: Yotsuya Kaidan, Tenshu Monogatari, and Bake Neko. The first two stories were based on existing Japanese plays, whereas Bake Neko is an original story. Each arc not only tells a completely different story from the other, the art style and animation also differ dramatically.
Download: Yotsuya Kidan Episode 1 .rar file {.rmvb file + pdf }
NEW: Episode 2
Yotsuya Kaidan [spoiler!] is a retelling of the classic Japanese ghost story, written by the 18th century kabuki playwright Tsuruya Nanboku. In the anime, Nanboku himself becomes the narrator. Tamiya Iemon is a ronin who marries a beautiful woman named Oiwa. Oiwa is happy with her married life and the birth of their child, but Iemon feels the burden of their poverty. In return for the promise of a job by a rich man, Iemon promises to marry the man's daughter and conspires to murder his own wife. A servant is ordered by the rich man's daughter to poison Oiwa's food which permanently disfigures her face. Iemon then orders his servant to kill her after having his way with her. Oiwa commits suicide after coming to know of Iemon's treachery. The servant is also killed, and along with the dead Oiwa, is nailed to a piece of wooden board and tossed into the river. After Oiwa's death, Iemon marries the rich man's daughter, as promised. But Oiwa's vengeful spirit could not rest in peace, and she lays a curse on everyone involved with her demise. One by one, Oiwa's enemies die a horrible death, including the rich man and her daughter, and Iemon is plagued by visions of Oiwa's ghost.